



講 題:Ecology as a Cold-War Scale(英文演講)



時 間:2023年4月27日(週四)14:00~16:00【13:50-14:00報到】

地 點:中研院民族所第三會議室(新館3樓2319室,上限50名,實體會議)

線上報名: https://forms.gle/bxy7zL8iBsprVx5b6



Topic: Ecology as a Cold-War Scale(English speech)

Speaker: Dr. Zhou Hau Liew (Assistant Professor, National Chung Hsing University (NCHU))

Chair: Dr. Yu-sheng, LIN (Associate Research Fellow, Center for Asia-Pacific Area Studies (CAPAS) of RCHSS, Academia Sinica)

Time: 14:00~16:00, Thursday, April 27, 2023【13:50-14:00 Registration】

Venue: R2319, Institute of Ethnology, Academia Sinica (meeting room limits up to 50 attendees)

Online Registration: https://forms.gle/bxy7zL8iBsprVx5b6

Registration Deadline: 12:00, Monday, April 24, 2023


【演講摘要About the Talk】

This talk rethinks the Cold War in Asia by examining ecology as a Cold War scale. Focusing on recent cultural productions about the Malayan Emergency (1948-1960) - an underrepresented Cold War conflict that involved large-scale resettlement processes and ecological transformations of rural Malaya, in the name of counter-insurgency - I show how the invocation of ecology in these works broaden and counter national and imperial narratives of the Emergency. These works, including documentary film, photography, and literature, commemorate the displacement of ethnic Chinese bodies from an existing Nanyang ecology, expanding our spatial imagination of the Cold War beyond a national scale.


【講者簡介About the Speaker】

Dr. Liew is Assistant Professor at National Chung Hsing University (NCHU). He holds a PhD in Comparative Literature and Literary Theory from the University of Pennsylvania. He was a postdoctoral fellow at the Mahindra Humanities Center, Harvard University, and a recipient of the Taiwan Fellowship at National Taiwan University. His current project, Land, Sea and Globe: Materiality and World-making in Chinese-Malaysian Literature, is a study of twentieth-century Chinese-Malaysian writing and visual works, which critiques state-driven resource extraction and rethinks globality from the resource frontier. His essays on the Cold War in Asia, ecology, and geopolitics have appeared in Critical Asian Studies, Asia in the Old and New Cold Wars, PR&TA and The Margins by Asian American Writers’ Workshop.


Email: zhliew@email.nchu.edu.tw


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4. The limited capacity of this event is 50 people. All participants are also required to prepare their own masks and wear masks during the event.